12 Month Goals

One year from now, I want to see my ____ self as the following:


I will see a better connection with my higher self. To allow inspiration to flourish. To feel more present. To remember gratitude. To speak to myself with more kindness, compassion, patience, and empathy.

Why: A full life comes from finding happiness in the ordinary. A connection to my higher self will help me with my gratitude practice, my patience with myself and my partner, and my belief in my ability to change my mind around limitations and create the life I want.

Supporting actions:

  • Meditation 3 times a week

  • Listen to a podcast per week focused on self improvement

  • Create mantras as they become necessary


I will continue in lifelong love and pursuit of learning but reading a minimum of 12 books. Additionally, I want to journal daily.

Why: I enjoy reading and find lessons in each book I read and the flow state of being immersed in a book.

Supporting actions:

  • Creating weekly space to read

  • Daily Journal


I will resolve my dispute with my childhood and forgive my mother.

Why: I have had lingering resentment and unresolved trauma which is impeding my ability to live happily as an adult.

Supporting actions:

  • Maintain regular sessions with Jennifer (therapy)


I will run 10km in under 60 minutes. I will maintain a regular, low-sugar diet. I will have good overall stamina, flexibility, and strength.

Why: I want a good baseline of health and fitness. Regular exercise will help with stress management and life satisfaction.

Supporting actions:

  • Gym 3 times a week

  • Dedicated run once a week, separate from gym


I will deepen the communication and the connection with Ryan.

Why: I want to see our relationship evolve into a more unified partnership, with more passion, gratitude, patience, and openness.

Supporting actions:

  • Meditate together

  • Weekly relationship check-ins


I will establish a social circle independent of my relationship.

Why: I do not want to be codependent on my partner for friends.

Supporting actions:

  • Nurture existing relationships

  • When safe, expand my circle through sport or hobby


I will be promoted to Manager with a minimum of one direct report.

Why: I am more than capable of performing in this role. I have proven my performance through a number of initiatives and can be trusted to function at a higher level.

Supporting actions:

  • Develop a team which supports my goals and provides business value.


I will complete three creative endeavors of which I am proud.

Why: Creating brings me sense of joy and accomplishment. It is a grounding activity and one that I am good at.

Supporting actions:



I will purchase a home and have rebuilt $5,000 in savings.

Why: I am financially ready for this.

Supporting actions:

  • Get approved for a mortgage

  • Do not use savings for leisure.


I'm feeling very good about my work today


This is what happiness feels like