8 km at sunset

I thought, “Yeah, I'll get two… maybe two and a half kilometers in at most. I'm out of shape and haven't run in a while”. Underestimated myself on that one.

Jacob recommended me a running playlist of Food Fighers, Pandora, Kings of Leon, System of a Down, and other anxity music which as it turns out is PERCECT running music. The man has taste.

The trail was quiet. Along the bow river most of the way, some parts dipping into small forested areas. It smelled like wood, grass, and clean. It felt great to breathe.

I stopped for a while, along the river. I initially went to take a selfie for the Women at Shaw initiative, but I ended up sitting down and just enjoying the view. Jacob video called me after I sent him a clip of the river and sunshine, and BAM a beaver showed up. First time I've seen one (I think).

I had a great pace today, 8km in about an hour.

The soft splashing of the river, the smell of the woods, and the sunshine on my skin made me feel alive today.

6km pit stop

6km pit stop


I bought a bike and a car today.


Who are you when you are at your best?