Don’t miss sunsets

I watched a webinar from SFU Beedie School of business this morning. I was hoping to takeaway some creative ideas and philosophies that I could use to influence Shaw’s business practices. Though it was insightful, I had hoped for more from it. I did come to the realization that the requirement to take sustainability courses in an MBA or Business Degree is going to inevitably change how future (educated) leaders consider their choices. I hope the realization of that value comes sooner rather than later.

My family was being extra goofy on Tuesday night. Sending funny clips back and forth with some humor that I didn’t totally vibe with, but it was nice to see them happy. I realized today that my mom let slip that herself, Dad, and Samira had video chat dinner with Danika. They must have forgotten that I proposed a family dinner chat last week and everyone bailed on it. I am doing my best not to let it bother me but being left out hurts. I have no idea how to stand up for myself in this situation and I wonder if its even worth it. It feels like I would just be forcing a group of people to spend time with me when they have made it clear they do not value me in the group.

Jacob taught me some guitar over video chat while we ignored a webinar on story telling that was more just '“Watch Andy To kinda edit while he thinks out loud”. Moon by Emily Coulston is the song. The songs he chooses are more my style than the ones Ryan recommended me. I am still wondering if I’m in love with him or not. Emotionally it feels like I certainly am, physically I’m finding it hard to connect.

I missed sunset today and it was a beautiful one (from what I see posted online). I felt like I missed out, I don’t like that feeling. I’m going to ensure I see sunset whenever I can.


This light is inspiring me

