Show your work!

This book is definitely inspiring me right now, Show Your Work! by Auston Kleon

Its 2020. There is a global pandemic that has shut down almost every country in the world. Everyone is working from home, keeping 6 feet apart to “Social Distance”, and there are shortages of toilet paper, N95 masks, and gloves. Donald Trump is president of the United States (ugh) and just told everyone to inject disinfectant to kill the virus.

I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that. - President Donald Trump, April 23, 2020

Oooookay. This timeline can wrap up anytime now.

To say this COVID-19 situation has been a test would be an understatement. The fear for ones self, ones family, the community, the economy, and everything in between, it weighs heavy. COVID-19 has taken away many things from many people and I can only speak for myself but I am feeling a great sense of loss. Friends, adventures, the mountains, the outdoors, creative collaborations, hugs. The loss of the busy schedule filled with activities I decided I wanted to do for me, has been devastating. I finally felt for a moment, that I was steering the ship in my life. That my obligations were only to me and it was liberating. COVID-19 having taken away the ability to dictate my experiences has been difficult to wrap my head around. Its difficult not to blame myself for lack of effort. It is taking a toll on me, which is why I’m here now. Writing.

Its easy to think about the negatives that this situation has brought about. What is harder is finding gratitude.

I am grateful for Cat. He has been company, cuddles, and entertainment as I’ve lived alone.

I am grateful for the small circle of friends I have, who have kept themselves safe to ensure we can all see each other.

I am grateful for my job. Many have lost theirs and I am one of the lucky ones to have kept mine.

I am grateful for spring to be the season for this to happen. Winter would be much harder on the soul.

I am grateful for my health, my happiness, and my ability to adapt.

What I wrote above is only a half-truth. COVID-19 hasn’t taken away my ability to dictate my experiences, it’s simply changed the landscape for experiences. It’s time to take back the control I gave away.

Reminder to self: Only I can control my experience.


Do not be afraid to wear yourself on your walls.