Whatever excites you, go do it. Whatever drains you, stop doing it.
Sometime around February I started to realized, “I don’t really have the ability to recognize what I enjoy and what I do not”. I spend a lot of time trying to better myself. I enjoy learning, I think its a lot of fun, but sometimes it feels like a total bore. I thought it was because I was bad at learning, or lacking inspiration. Only one is true, I was spending my time on things that did not excite me and therefore did not matter to me.
There is a lot of talk in the self-help world about finding things you are good at and enjoy. That has never really resonated with me because I felt like things that were enjoyable and things that made you money were entirely separate. You can’t make money reading books, playing video games, or wandering in nature. I am coming to realize, that’s not what they are talking about. These feelings aren’t so obvious, at least they weren’t to me. They are talking about that feeling you get after helping someone solve a problem, or delivering a project. They are talking about the satisfaction you feel when you present to a group of people and the conversation is great, or when your pitch is accepted. The feeling accomplishment when you nail a new song that you’re singing, or someone’s reaction to your music. Those excitement drivers are harder to realize, but they are a huge part of who you are and what motivates and inspires you.
Pay attention to yourself, notice what makes you happy. Odds are, you’re good at it and you may not even know it.
Those happiness drivers should be things you run towards. Try to find those opportunities in your career, your hobbies, and in your relationships.